Thursday, May 10, 2012

Blog 11

In the passage, “How Your Birth Order Influences Your Life Adjustment,” the author, Lucille Forer, is stating the many ways how your birth order can effect your life and view on other things in life. The oldest child, who is looked at as the responsible one by others and himself as well, thinks to be able to handle situations more capable than the siblings underneath him. As for the middle child, who thinks of himself to be just as capable as the oldest because he has younger siblings also. The youngest child, who is always looked at as the “baby,” thinks life comes easier to him because he feels he has others to do everything for him. Although, he may be the only child, he looks at life a bit different. He needs to be able to care for himself but also looks to his parents for any kind of help. I agree with Forer’s statement, “Parents usually expect their oldest child to be more capable and more responsible than the younger siblings.”

Being that I am the second youngest amongst 5 other siblings, I still look to my older siblings for any kind of help. I still get looked at as the “baby” due to me being the youngest girl in the family. I feel that I have to be responsible of things to set a good example for my little brother, but at the same time I look at life as if I still need someone to take care of me because of my birth order.

My cousin Diamond is the oldest amongst her two younger siblings. Her parents look at to her to be responsible and set good examples for both her little sister and brother. Her little sister Jada, who is the middle child, looks at herself as if she is in the same place as Diamond because of her little brother. She thinks she is able to do for herself and her little brother as well, but still looks to her sister when she needs help. The youngest, Dominique, looks to both of his sisters and his parents when he is in need of help. He sees himself as the baby so his attitude towards concepts in life is completely different from both Diamond and Jada.

Being the only child seems to be tough because you have no other siblings to turn to but your parents. I’ve seen in plenty movies where the only child is usually very strong willed and independent. I’ve once seen in a movie where a woman’s only child felt there was no need to have any friends but her mom. Her mom was her best friend. She looked up to her and ran to her whenever she needed any advice on life. After her mom was incarcerated, the daughter soon realized that she had to be able to take care of herself because she had no one else to turn to.

Your birth order has an immense influence on your attitude, behavior, and characteristics growing up in life. Due to others expectations of you because of your birth order, you are looked at different by almost everyone and yourself as well. Growing up, your birth order changes your view on many things.

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